
Welcome to the Scots College Wellington's library blog! We thought we would make it easier for you all to access everything you need from one convenient place, here! Have fun.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Can't believe it's more than halfway through the term. So much going on.
We had a great time with Apirana Taylor and Kate de Goldi last week, with some great writing from boys who participated.

Lots of new books in the libraries at the moment, so come and take a look.

We just did a check to see who has taken the most books out of the library since we have been on our present system, Accessit. And guess who!!! no, not me (although I'm up there :)
Luke Stanley-Ryan - 633 books borrowed
Tejas Kalidas             318 books borrowed
Matthew Flavin         291
Henry Zwart              263
Kaushal Patel            262
James Seidelin          254

That's a lot of reading! well done - now to see who reads the most for this year! there's a challenge for you.